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Shantung Street -“Sports Shoes Street”

Shantung Street, where the visitors can shop or buy shoes and sport appliances from that street, in Chinese called “Sports Shoes Street”. 

In this street, we can see above 40 of the sport's shops an indirect one by one and hundreds of people packed into that street. When the visitors are shopping in this street, they were noticed there are many different brands name, including Nike, Reebok, Adidas and Puma. 

Besides, there are also selling fashion shoes, such as Converse, Birkenstock and Redwings. Mostly, those shops are opening from noon to 11p.m. and their price may be set lower than the other shopping zones.
In this map, you are noticed that where is the street located and which is the convenient method for you!!

In "Sports Shoes Street", you can find different well-know brand names, such as Adidas, Puma Super-X.

WOW!! You can find different style of shoes, fashion shoes or sport shoes, which you like!

By Henry

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